Two days ago Eli and I were in the car together listening to a worship mix on a CD I have. During one of the songs, I couldn't remember it, but I remembered that it was a song that really meant a lot to my sister Jama during a time of healing for her. So, naturally, I replayed it. As soon as the first line was sung, I had tears in my eyes. I loved the image of my Heavenly Daddy dancing over me throughout the day. No matter what I've done, no matter how many times I've disappointed Him throughout the day- the image of Him dancing and singing over me- over my every thought or deed brought me (and still does to this moment) an immense amount of peace.
Anyway, after the song was done, I looked at Eli (who had been completely silent during the whole song, as if he knew I needed some quiet time to worship) and said to him, "Eli, baby, do you know that Jesus dances and sings over you, even when you don't know?" As soon as I asked him that he clapped his hands and yelled "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH" over and over again. THEN he raises his hands to the sky and looks up and just laughs, and claps and says "Yeah, Yeah!" After he stopped clapping and laughing he just had this beautiful smile on his face like he knew something I didn't. I, of course was crying- because as a mommy- I never stop praying that my children will grow up loving the Lord with all of their hearts, souls, minds and strengths, and for a moment it was like God was saying "He Loves Me with his whole heart, Leah- but remember I love him even more." It was an incredibly powerful 3 minutes of time that I will always hold preciously close to my heart. I just thought I would share with you all. Below are the lyrics to that song (I think since that moment, we've replayed that song in the car more than any other song- but I don't think it will ever get old). I hope they encourage you today.
Love to you all,