Last Friday Ian and I took Eli to his 9 month doctors appointment. We decided that we didn't feel comfortable giving him his shot just yet, so have decided to wait until next time. Eli weighed in at 19 pounds and 6 ounces (20%) and is 29 inches long (60%) his head also meausered at 18.75 cm (not sure on the %). The doctor said he expects Eli to be walking by the next time he sees him. He said he is just perfect and an extremely happy baby! One thing that was interesting was that they checked his blood. The doctor said that by this age, babies have completely made their own blood, and they wanted to check to make sure the blood he was making was good. Eli was very very good when the nurse pricked his finger...he even got his very first bandaid!
All in all, it was a very good visit.
When we got home from the doctors, I became very sick. Ian did such a wonderful wonderful job at taking care of Eli and I. Thank you so much, Sweetie for all of your hard work in making my recovery a speedy one! I love you so much! I am so blessed!
A couple of weeks ago I took Eli to get his pictures are a few of them:) Also, check out for a few others!

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