I know, I know, it has been FOREVER since we last posted a blog! I am SO sorry! Things around the Heuer household have been a little adventurous lately- so there really hasn't been much time. However, for some reason today I am able to get internet reception here at home (I hope I'm not doing anything illegal:)) so I thought I would take advantage and update the blog!
First of all, Eli Updates! A LOT has happend since we last posted....here are just a few of them!
First of all, Eli Updates! A LOT has happend since we last posted....here are just a few of them!

1. Eli is a certified CHUNK! We love counting all of his rolls and especially love when we see new ones pop up:) We go in Today for his 2 month check up, so we will see how much this chunk-a-munk weighs...right now we are guessing about 11 big ones!

2. Eli is a smiling fool! I'm not sure if I have ever seen such a smiley baby! If he isn't tired or hungry, he is smiling!

3. We have a talker! We love to have "conversations" with him! Daddy and Eli love to play the mimick game, where Eli talks, Ian mimicks, Eli laughs and comes up with something else to say, Ian mimicks, eli laughs...and the game goes on and on and on....we have a 15 minute video of this- hystarical!

4. We have found our thumb and our feet! Well, we always new he was a sucker, but we hoped he wouldn't figure out that he can suck his thumb. Has he ever listened??? NOPE! He LOVES to suck on is thumb! I must admit, it is SO DARN CUTE! Also, last week he started watching his feet, then the watching grew into wanting to grab them, and finally, they looked so good, he wanted to eat them! Last week was also a good week for mom as she is FINALLY able to fit into her pre-pregnancy jeans! YAY!!!!!
I have not been able to capture this on the camera yet, as I can't master the camera and him at the same time, so you will just have to use your imaginations;)
5. Eli is such a biggie boy, he can sit by himself! Well, the longest time without help has been 5 whole seconds! He sits in his boppy and tries to pull himself up into the sitting position, so one day I decided to hold his hands and see if he could pull himself up. Sure enough, he pulled himself up and laughed and laughed! I then got really brave and let go (don't worry, I had my hands right behind him so that he wouldn't fall;)), the first couple go-arounds were rough, but after the fifth try, he sat up straight all by himself! I was such a sappy mom! I felt like Eli when he's hungry and happy at the same time- I want to laugh and smile, but I feel like crying too!

6. I don't think this is a milestone...but we have started giving Eli a bath in the biggie boy tub! He no longer is using his infant bathtub! He absolutely LOVES to lay in the tub and kick like a frog all around. I think we might have a swimmer...he loves the water!
Well that is all for now! We will see you all soon! Please be praying for the trip to Indiana-Eli and I will be flying on our own...I'm positive things will be fine, but with my luck, I will end up sick or something:) Also, as I stated above, his doctors appt. is today. This would be his first round of vaccinations today, however with much thought and a ton of prayer, we won't be giving them to him today. Please pray that the doctor will respect our decision and not make us feel guilty, as we feel this is the best for Eli.
We love you all and can't wait to see you soon!
The Heuers
Hey, when will you guys be home? We will be there the 22-25, maybe we could work something out to at least meet up for a little bit...I'd love to see you and meet little Eli!!! Write me back at: jessesgirl73005@hotmail.com, PLEASE!!! :)
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