Eli loves to sit up in his bebepod! He thinks he is too cool for school!

"But Daaadddd, I want to walk now!"

It was just a very hot day!

"Ok, dad, you can let go now."

Mommy and her Baby Boy

"Mom, my Nonni is too much fun!"

Daddy teaching his little man a thing or two about swimming


We went to the doctors office yesterday and our little man is 25 1/2 inches long (75th percentile) and weighs 14.6 pounds (50th percentile)! What a biggie boy! The doctor also said that it is time to introduce cereal to our Eli's diet and so last night was pretty adventerous. Of course, my camera ran out of battery, so I caught the whole thing on tape. I will post that as soon as I can:) Needless to say, it was a success. I think we have a big eater on our hands. He kept flailing his arms and banging them on the table as if to say "MORE MORE MORE MORE FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER". Patience is a vurtue, my son. Yeah, Right! Eli's Cousin Isaiah gets happy feet when he eats, and Eli gets Happy Hands! Eli is getting more and more of a personality each and every day. Ian and I have so much love for this little man.....MMM! He loves to laugh, reach and grab things, touch your face and his newest favorite....grab his feet! He's been watching his feet for a while now, but just recently he has started to grab them and try putting them in his mouth. It's rather cute. Just this afternoon, I went to go get him from a nap, and he managed to roll himself on his back, he had both arms wrapped around his legs and was just laughing, and talking to his feet. Priceless, and of course, no camera. Darn those batteries. Oh, and our little one has officially moved out...of our room anyway;) Yep, that's right, Eli sleeps in his biggie boy crib at night now and he loves it! He has so much more room to squirm around and it is just wonderful! Mommy and Daddy like it too, but we do miss our midnight coos! Suddenly our room seems so much bigger without his bassinet in it.
Love to you all, miss you much!
Ian, Leah and Eli
Hey, Leah! I love all of the pictures of your adorable family! Keep us updated in Indiana!
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