Saturday, August 30, 2008

All Grown Up!

Every night before Ian and I go to bed, we always peek in on our little boy. Last night we went into his room and looked at him for a long time. It brings tears into my eyes as I write this because of the feeling that his daddy and I felt. "Man, he is growing up!" As he lay in his bed, with his hands up close to his face, one leg scrunched close to his body and the other stick straight (just like his mamma sleeps)- we couldn't believe how fast he grew. It seems just like yesterday we were having our first night at home together, amazed at how small he seemed to be in his bed, watching him sleep- hearing the little noises- seeing the little faces he made. And now, he's almost as long as his little bed, taking steps, rolling balls back and forth to us, and making us laugh. Ian and I looked at eachother for the longest time after that and then he said to me, "People always say, cherish every moment becuase they grow fast. Well, I feel like I've cherished every moment, and he's still growing....what is the secret?!?! How do you stop time?" We aren't ready for him to grow up. I'm not ready.

This morning Eli and I were looking outside and I was watching him looking everywhere fascinated with the trees, the wind, the grass (which he still is unsure about)- and I's ok. It's ok that he grows up, it's ok that he doesn't stay this small forever. It's ok. Because our little baby is going to be a wonderful little boy, he is going to make friends easily, he is going to have such a tender spirit that will help him as he grows to be a young man. He's got an amazing earthly father who sets the best example of how a man should treat his wife, what a man of character looks like, and how a father loves his son. He also has our Heavenly Father, who will love him, guide him, and will never leave him for the rest of his life. So, it's ok- God has enormous plans for this little life and I feel so incredibly overwhelmed, that I was designed to bring him into this world. And I have the husband who surpasses all of my wildest dreams, to share this wonderful life with. Wow. Wow.

Thank you, Papa God. Thank you.

Eli, baby, mommy loves you more than you will ever know. I am so proud of you! You are such a joy in my life! I can't wait to see you become the man God has created you to be. You are a joy and inspiration. I love being your mommy! I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be....

And thank you all for the part you have shared and will continue to share in Eli's life. He is a better person because of all of your love and prayers. We are better parents and spouses because of it too. We thank you and love you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Heuers

I couldn't post something and not include a picture....but here is something better. Eli loves to play peek-a-boo! Side note: please ignore my terribly annoying voice- Eli doesn't seem to mind, but you may;)