Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 31!

Ok. So I know this is a barbie doll- try to imagine a KEN doll, and that is the length of our little guy from crown to rump. If you were to measure him from crown to toe, he would be anywhere between 17-18 inches long! He also weighs in at 3 1/2 to 4 pounds. Boy do I feel the weight! You would think that by sitting I could relieve some of the pressure, but actually it is worse. Come to find out, his favorite leg position is in my right rib- and he does not at ALL like to move out of that position. Infact, for 12 hours straight on our way to Indiana, I felt as though my rib was splitting! However, as painful as it may be at times, I am so grateful for the fact that he is growing and is active.

My sister Katyana was able to come and visit this past week. It was so WONDERFUL to have her at our home. I missed her so much, and it was great to visit with her. She went with us to our doctors appt on Tuesday and then the rest of the week we relaxed. At the doctors appt. she was able to tell us his heart beat; 138 and that I've gained a whopping 18 pounds! My belly measured at 30 weeks, and all is well;) She determined that he is descending into the birthing position and was very pleased by that! Yay!

This weekend was a big weekend for us. We left Florida on friday around 3 p.m. and at about 10:31 that night, our little nephew, Isaiah James Heuer was born! We got to Indy the next morning at 8:30 and had about 2 hours to visit with him. He is such a precious little boy! What was even more precious is that when I was holding little Isaiah, our little guy was kicking (playfully of course) his little bottom as if saying "Hey! I can't wait to play with you!"
Little Isaiah
here are the two cousins

Ian, Eric and Little Isaiah

It is so amazing how much you anticipate this little birth and then when you finally get to meet him- you are filled with so much emotion! Ian and I were so filled with joy at the birth of our little nephew- it just made us MORE than ready to meet our son.
We love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers for us and for our little boy. Your prayers are treasures in our hearts, thank you.