Tuesday, September 11, 2007

37 Weeks


Alright! There are a ton of updates on our little guy this week;)
First of all, after our 35 week appointment, the doctor felt that the baby was laying sideways instead of the head down position he needs to be in, so she called for an ultrasound. During the ultrasound she was able to tell us that he weighed in at four pounds six ounces. He was so precious, and he kept holding his feet with his hands and move them all around! We also were able to see his precious profile and beautiful thick hair! The ultrasound tech said that she wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't born with an inch of hair! Just like his daddy! And, he was in the head down position after all.
After the ultrasound, I asked her if everything looked just fine and she mentioned that everything was perfect, but the size of his abdomen was a bit small. Later on that week we received a call from the doctors office stating that we needed to go see an ultrasound specialist concerning his growth. Sometimes babies during the third trimester slow down instead of speeding up...they just wanted to make sure that he wasn't one of those babies and that he was growing at the right rate. If needed, they would take him earlier, or even wait until a week or two to take him until he is "mature". They call it IntraUterine Growth Restriction. To all of those that prayed heaps and bounds for us and for our little one- we thank you for the bottom of our hearts! Just knowing that we had loved ones lifting us up in prayer made us so peaceful and so sure that everything was going to work out and it was all in Gods wonderful hands. And, praise the Lord our prayers were answered! Our little guy gained a whole 24 ounces in 9 days! He now weighs in at 5 pounds and 14 ounces and is 18 inches long! The doctors said that he is perfectly healthy and everything measures out to where they want it! They were also able to see his breathing movements and listen to the flow of his major artery in his brain. They were very pleased with everything-It was unbelievable! Isn't that just amazing! We were SO filled with relief and just pure joy! Thank you again for all of your prayers- they meant more to us than you will know.
Now, we had another appointment today! I was put on a non-stress test to moniter the baby's heart rate and movements and also my contractions. Our doctor said that he was a poster child for the way he reacted to everything, so that was just great! She also said that if I don't go into labor before my due date, that she will want to induce me shortly after my due date. However, she feels that the baby will be born earlier than that...so we will see;) We just can't wait to finally meet our little man! Ian is MORE than ready to be a daddy:) It is so precious, really<3
As far as mommy goes, I am feeling very PREGNANT! Lots of cravings (I have an increased love for cheesecake at the present moment:)), lots of discomfort, lots of weight gain- lots of....everything! I am going through big time nesting mode and am getting all my lists put together...poor Ian- however he has the biggest servants heart and is just as eager as I am to get everything ready- Thank you, honey;)
Well, that is it for now, just as soon as I am able too, new pictures will be posted! Love to you all and thank you agian for all of your prayers!
The Heuers


Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

We REALLY need a few more preggie pics before the little man makes his arrival!!! Get on that, girl!