Monday, August 27, 2007

35 weeks!

Week 35!!

Wow! Ian and I can't believe that there are only 5 more weeks until October 1st! Of course, we understand that he could come before then...which is even crazier to think about! We have been anticipating this birth for so long, and to know that it is just around the corner is SO EXCITING! We feel so incredibly blessed and so filled with joy- I can't imagine how we will feel when he arrives- our hearts will be so full!

I had another amazing shower on Saturday with my "Florida Family". All of my showers have been such blessings to Ian and I! We have been so truly blessed with such wonderful friends and family! You all are such gems in our lives and we treasure you. Thank you for all of your time and love that has gone into not just the showers, but our lives. We can't wait for our little guy to experience the kind of love we have been shown by you. Thank you for the examples you lead.

An update on the past couple of weeks:) I haven't had as many braxton hicks contractions lately, but I have been experiencing what I believe are the "real deals". They usually start with lower back pain that wraps around my lower abdomen. On Saturday I had 3 experiences with these guys. The first two were in the morning, and then the thrid and I would say more intense one in the evening. The actual "cramping" doesn't last very long, but the effects usually stay around for a good 20 minutes. Lately, I have found the the day time is my friend, but the evening and I don't really get along that well. First of all, I can't seem to get matter what I do! Second, I don't know what it is about the night time that makes me have to go pee all the time...but, I go pee ALL the time- so even if I could get the slightest bit comfortable, I'd just have to get up 10 minutes later to visit my friend "the toilet". And finally, "The Dreams." That is all I can say about that point. They are so weird and so vivid....I feel like I've lived another day, and therefore am extremely tired when I wake up.

Other than that, I am LOVING pregnancy! I love watching him kick and move all around. I love the way he responds to my questions by kicking his legs (ok, I know he probably isn't "responding" to my questions, but I like to think he is;)). I love it when he gets the hiccups! As he is growing, so are his hiccups, they are so strong! Really, I just love knowing that there is a little blessing that God is knitting inside of me. I feel so privelaged to be apart of this miracle. Thank you, Lord!

Ok, on to our little man:
Baby's Length: 15- 20.5 inches
Baby's Weight: 5.5 pounds
Baby's Size: Baseball Cap

This week!

Fat accumulations plumps up his arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help him regulate his body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!

His hearing is fully developed. Studies show babies respond better to higher pitches.

It's getting crowded! The baby is now taking up most of the uterus and I even feel like my chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, the baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again (just not walk so easily! Ha!).

Good news: our little guys' testes have completed their descent! Congrats little guy!

Well, that is all for now! Love to you all!

Leah, Ian and the little boy Heuer