Monday, October 1, 2007

40 weeks!

Alright! We have zero more days to go....and yet our little one is still as snug as a bug in a rug inside momma's womb! I keep telling him he can come out today, but he just seems to be having too much fun- little does he know the fun he will experience once he is here!

At my last appt. I was 80% effaced and 2 cm. dialated, the doctor said that everything looked great! She believes that our little boy is going to be a whole lot bigger than we think. Because of that, and also because of the calcification that could happen to the placenta, she would like to induce me on Wednesday unless he chooses to come sooner. We go in tomorrow at 9:15 unless he decides to make his debut before hand. We are REALLY praying that he comes sooner than later! I would love to have as much of a "chemical-free" delivery as possible. However, I do know that this is in the Lords hands, and He will provide in every way that we need. In the end, we will have a beautiful baby boy- thank you Jesus!

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers, we will surely keep you posted on the birth of our precious son!


Unknown said...

Leah, I've been reading your blog and I am just wayyy too excited for you and Ian. I'll be praying for you, Ian, the baby and all the staff that will be taking care of you today!