Well! Unfortunately I am not writing about the fact that we finally have our sweet baby in our arms, because, well....we don't. At our appointment on Tuesday, the doctor mentioned that I was STILL 2 cm. dialated! Words can't express how sad I was that all the back pain, and cramping did NOTHING- however she was very pleased to say that he is doing just beautifully inside me:) They did another non stress test and he was having way too much fun trying to get away from all the monitors that were on my belly! It was rather funny! The doctor also mentioned, that because everything still looked so great, she wanted to postpone the induction and would like to see me tomorrow at 9:30. If everything still looks fine tomorrow, then they will induce me next week. What a praise that the Lord is giving the baby some time to come out naturally, however, we want so badly for him to be here! We were reminded of the verse that says "My ways are not your ways..." No matter what our selfish desire is to have him in our arms, the Lords timing is always perfect- we are really trying to just hold onto that!
In the meantime, I am doing a LOT of walking, lunges and squats to see if I can't just work this baby out myself;) My wonderful husband is such a great encourager and cheers me on the whole time!
Anyway, just thought I would give you all a little update on the stubborn little boy Heuer! Hopefully the next time I write on this blog, it will be to post pictures of our precious son!
Love to you all!
Ian, Leah, and "littlest toot"
Thursday, October 4, 2007
40 weeks, 4 days and counting!
Posted by Ian, Leah and Eljah Heuer at 1:17 PM
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I can't wait to see pictures of the baby and hear how you are doing! I'm praying for you!!!
Love, Stephanie Renea
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