Elijah Christopher Heuer

On our way to the hospitalWell Folks! I know it has been eight beautiful days after Eli was born and I am just now getting to our blog- I am so sorry! But wait no longer, I finally was able to get to Ian's office to update!

As most of you know, we went in on Wednesday morning to the hospital to be induced. They started the drip at 6:55a.m. and to make a very long story short, at 8:00 that evening they took me into the

operating room to to a c-section. After 13 hours of labor (11 of which without an epideral), we were finally going to have our baby! Elijah Christopher Heuer was born at 9:00 p.m. and was 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long! While they were cleaning me up after the operation the doctors told me that there was no way that he would have been able to been delivered naturally because of the position of his head.
She said that was why I couldn't dialate on my own passed 2cm. and why I couldn't dialate passed 6 cm. with pitosin. At any rate, he is the most precious child on earth! He was born with a bit of a cone head (Ian made the joke that it looked

like he should have been Dan Akroids son...the nurses had a good laugh over that), and a TON of hair:) We were immediately madly in love. It is such a deep and powerful love, one you could never put into words or even begin to describe. What a precious, precious gift from God! Thank you to all who have prayed for this little miracle these past nine months. We have been so blessed by them!
Now, I am going to do a bunny trail really quick so I can brag on my husband. There really are no words that could even begin to describe the amount of love and respect I have for him. I was told that after you have a child together, your relationship flies to another level. Boy, were they right. Throughout all of my labor, Ian was right there cheering me on, serving me, holding my hand, making me laugh, loving me through my pain. I have been so blessed by his love. He is the most amazing husband-

what guy would give his wife a bath? My Ian! And on top of all that, he is just the best dad to our little Eli! He is such a natural! For a guy who has never changed a diaper a day in his life- he sure is a pro! The first night in the hospital, Eli was fussy- I remember just watching him with tears in my eyes- how he held him so close and rocked him to sleep. As I write this I am so filled with emotion (what's new;)), It is just so wonderful...(ok Leah, control yourself, you might ruin this computer by completely DRENCHING IT with your tears!) It was just the sweetest thing, I have never felt so blessed or in love in all of my life. Thank you Lord, for the man Ian is today!
Thank you all so much again for all of your prayers. we love you all!
Ian, Leah and Eli

Ian was all smiles

Doesn't it look like he is just all worn out? How cute is this?
I am so glad to see baby Eli! I can't tell you how many times I checked your blog looking for pictures. What a cutie! Lots of hair. God bless!
Lisa Heller
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