Hi Everyone! Eli, here! Mommy took some really cool pictures of my dadddy and I when we were in Indiana over Mother's Day weekend. They are so cool, that I wanted to post them on our website. I know Mommy usually does this, but I thought I would this time. Let me tell you, I LOVE pushing all of these buttons. I must get it from my mommy, because she loves it too! Anyway, here are the pictures! Oh, by the way, I'm sorry they are so small...I'm new at this computer thing:)

Anyway, another reason why I wanted to update this time is because I wanted to say how much I love my daddy. Daddy, you are so cool! You have the biggest muscles and always play with me. I want to be just like you when I grow up. I thank Jesus everyday in my prayers for giving me a daddy like you. I know you must love Jesus very much because I can see it in your eyes, and I can feel it when you hold me. Thank you for loving me like Jesus loves me. I can't wait until I get a little bigger so we can get into trouble together! Look out, Mommy!
Your favorite son, Eli
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