While I'm here, I might as well put some more pictures on here of our trip to Indiana, and to tell you about my doctors appointment. I had to switch my doctor and boy am I glad! I LOVE my new kid doctor! He is so nice and loved to play with me...I completely forgot I was at the doctors office! My doctor said that I weighed in at 16 pounds and 12 ounces (which is in the 20th percentile, for those keeping track), I was 28 1/4 inches tall (86th percentile) and my head measured in in the 76th percentile (I forget the diameter:( ) He also said that he wouldn't be surprised if I started walking by 9 - 10 months! I keep practicing....so who knows! I also got the COOLEST sticker of spiderman when I left! I'll be honest though, I have no clue who spider man is....mommy and daddy said that I can watch him on tv when I'm older. The doctor also got to hear me talk....I will admit, I am quite the talker- and LOUD too!
ANYWAY! I had the BEST time in Indiana! Thank you Great Grandpa Jay and Gram for picking us up at the airport and thank you Great Grandma Peggy for letting me play with your magazines! Great Grandma and Grandpa Reimschisel and Great Grandma and Grandpa Kellogg also came to play and stay for dinner while I was there, too! Unfortunately, I was super tired...therefore not quite my usual smiley self....they didn't seem to mind though...phew!! Gigi Scutt let me come over too, and we had so much fun together! She loves to give me kisses! I won't lie, I love them, too! I also got to see so many aunts and uncles and cousins that I have never met before, or haven't seen for a long time, so that was AWESOME! They all loved to hold me and give me plenty of kisses- boy did I like that! Mommy had a silly moment and forgot her camera for a lot of it... Oh well, we'll forgive her! Well, why don't I stop talking (or typing) and put some pictures up!
ANYWAY! I had the BEST time in Indiana! Thank you Great Grandpa Jay and Gram for picking us up at the airport and thank you Great Grandma Peggy for letting me play with your magazines! Great Grandma and Grandpa Reimschisel and Great Grandma and Grandpa Kellogg also came to play and stay for dinner while I was there, too! Unfortunately, I was super tired...therefore not quite my usual smiley self....they didn't seem to mind though...phew!! Gigi Scutt let me come over too, and we had so much fun together! She loves to give me kisses! I won't lie, I love them, too! I also got to see so many aunts and uncles and cousins that I have never met before, or haven't seen for a long time, so that was AWESOME! They all loved to hold me and give me plenty of kisses- boy did I like that! Mommy had a silly moment and forgot her camera for a lot of it... Oh well, we'll forgive her! Well, why don't I stop talking (or typing) and put some pictures up!
This is me having fun while mommy was making dinner
I was so sleepy!
cousin Derby came to visit for a while....I loved watching him!
Getting ready to do some yard work with daddy!
"Sharing with my cousin"
Holding my baby cousin!
I got to fill the bird feeders with Papa Reimy!
Gram gave me a carrot to chew on! Here I am in my PaPa Reimy's highchair that he used, all of his brothers and sisters used, and my mommy and her sisters used!

Cousin Nick and Kate! Thank you, Kate for reading to me!

Papa, Uncle Jeffy, Daddy and Me!
All of us with Great Grandma and Grandpa Scher
Same picture only with Uncle Mike and Aunt Julie
Don't worry folks, I have at least ten more to post- but it's time for me to eat now so I gotta go!
Love you all SO SO SO much!
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