YAY! I'm so excited to share this news! My sister, Katyana, and her husband, Jeff, had a beautiful boy today! Luke David Kaminer, was born at 5:06 pm and weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and is 21 inches long! Words simply cannot express how utterly happy we are for them! Katyana is doing very well, I am so proud of her! Unfortunately I couldn't be there for the birth (I know, it KILLED ME! I was a nervous wreck and I wasn't even there!), but I am looking forward to spending time with them and getting to know my new nephew in 19 days!
Papa God, thank you so much for this precious gift of life. We have waited so long for little Luke, thank you for answering our prayers. I pray that we can all be wonderful examples in leading this little boy into a life for You.

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